Infosys Foundation USA承诺培训1,000名计算机科学教师

Palo Alto CA - May 02, 2017

Infosys基金会USA is pleased to announce the funding of Computer Science (CS) professional development for over 1,000 public school teachers in the summer of 2017. Including teachers supported in previous years, this will bring the total number of elementary and secondary school teachers trained to over 2,100, to benefit more than a million students over the next several years.

“The future is being written in code, and there is a critical need to invest in computer science education today. To prepare children for 21st century jobs it is vital that students can identify and solve complex problems, develop critical thinking skills and learn the computational thinking that is pervasive in a digital economy,” said Vandana Sikka, Chairperson of Infosys Foundation USA. “Teachers are the heart and soul of our children’s education and their role is even more significant in our digital world. One CS teacher alone can help hundreds, or even thousands, of students. Multiply that body of teachers by the thousands, and now you are able to achieve scale to get closer to our dream of making computer science accessible to every child in the United States.”

Inspired by the success of the2016 CS PD周, the Foundation is making investments in a variety of computer science teacher training workshops. These workshops make it easier for teachers from rural areas and smaller districts to attend at no cost in July 2017. Participating programs include探索计算机科学BootstrapatCS PD Week 2017在Golden,CO;和计算的美丽和喜悦,UTEACH CS原则, 和Mobile CS Principlesat various cities throughout the US. The latter three programs will make it possible for teachers to offer the new College Board endorsed Advance Placement CS Principles course to students in their high schools.

此外,美国Infosys Foundation仍在继续其资金code.org在他们的高中CS原理课程以及为小学生设计的课程中培训数百位教师。通过与教育众筹领袖的合作,基金会继续提供CS training opportunities给美国各地的老师。通过专注于此类基于证据的课程,该基金会正在努力确保学生从高质量的计算教育中受益。

印孚瑟斯基金会美国already made multiple investments in previous years towards this goal of reducing the digital divide. The Foundation is the leading sponsor of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), the professional association for 23,000 CS teachers worldwide, and supports CSTA’sContinuing Professional Development Pipeline项目和Teaching Excellence awards, along with the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). Besides supporting CS PD Week 2016, the Foundation has provided funding for CS training for hundreds of teachers with various partners.

Infosys基金会USA’s long standing commitment to this cause is demonstrated by its systemic approach to supporting a variety of CS education programs over the past several years. These include funding directed towards curriculum development, afterschool programs, mentoring opportunities, research, evaluation, and boot camps and hackathons.

About Infosys Foundation USA

Infosys基金会USA is focused on bridging the digital divide in America by supporting high quality computer science education and coding skills with a particular focus on underrepresented communities. It aims to give children and young adults the skills they need to become creators, not just consumers, of technology. In pursuit of this mission, the Foundation has partnered with internationally acclaimed non-profits and institutions,纽约科学院,,以及卡内基梅隆大学的创建实验室。此外,Infosys Foundation USA向INFY Maker Awards投入了一百万美元,以激发美国各地的制造商在制作具有真正影响力的项目方面表现出创造性的卓越。了解更多信息在Twitter上关注@InfyFoundationor Facebook at

