
Ravi Kumar S.,Infosys主席,采访托马斯J. Donohue,美国商会总裁兼首席执行官




  • 拉维·库马尔年代。

    大家好,我的名字是Ravi Kumar,我是Infosys的总裁。欢迎来到下一个版本的DrainBlazers。开拓者,因为大多数人都知道,是关于正在进行重大影响,驾驶变革的个人,他们正在对他们所在的行业产生影响,以及他们所居住的社区。今天,我有一个非常杰出的客人和我 - 汤姆多霍夫。汤姆是美国商会的首席执行官和总统。美国商会代表了三百万个企业,是全球各地,地区和国家的全球最大的业务联合会。汤姆自1997年以来作为总统兼首席执行官,汤姆与总统兼首席执行官有联系,他开创了美国商会已拥有的影响,并使其成为它的强国。美国商会今天影响政策和业务改革,这是企业的声音,实际上对国家的增长产生了重大影响。谢谢,汤姆,在这里和我们花时间在纽约办事处与我们交谈。我们落后于美丽的曼哈顿天际线,我们有一个很好的景观。 Thank you again for being here. I was actually very inspired talking to you in Washington DC a couple of weeks ago about the impact the US Chamber of Commerce is making under your leadership. There was a little bit about the milestones in the journey in the last two decades or so and how you’ve kind of made it this powerhouse, the impact powerhouse I call it, for the US.

  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    好吧,谢谢,拉维。我很高兴在这里以及什么样的环境!我在上世纪初出生在纽约,在这里上学,我经常去这里。我对这个城市所做的事情印象深刻,你如何从根本上改变你自己的责任,人们将进入,建造团队和承担具有挑战性的作业并使他们工作。我们在分庭做了什么,我曾在经营前曾在房间曾经工作过,然后离开了美国货运协会,当其总统退休时,我回到了分庭。他们有一些困难,与公司有关 - 您以自己的体验了解 - 他们有UPS和Downs,他们并不是他们想要的,而且他们的内容足以让我回来然后把它转回它。我有一些简单的理论就是那个 - 首先,个人没有完成大量的事情。他们可能引导别人,但你需要的第一件事是真正的人才。我把一些人带给了我,在我们到达那里后不久,我们开始吸引其他一些人才。现在,正如你所知道的天赋昂贵,所以,同时......

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    好吧,哦,好吧,22年前在短途供应中并不像今天那样。所以,我们聘请了一些非常好的人,并将他们负责他们所需要的目标,让他们这样做。那么,我们说什么?好吧,首先,我们需要更多成员,我们需要更多的资源。好吧,你不能只是去找那些东西,除非你会为将为您提供资源的人做点什么。So, we set up some very clear programs that people from every industry wanted - they want to be represented in the Congress, affect tax policy, affect what’s going on at Capitol Hill, have people that can work on the White House and the regulatory agencies, and make a shortlist of what everybody could agree on and go about fixing it. And that’s exactly what we did. Smart people, enough resources, clear agenda and we did that for about four or five years. Then we came to, not a bump in the road, but a great opportunity. Time to get stronger, spread out, provide other services. We had taken the chamber and we had flattened it all out. We had an international division, a domestic lobbying division, a division for energy, a division for the protection of intellectual property, a division for working on doing infrastructure, we had about seven or eight...

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    哦,好吧,我们会在一分钟内到达他们。在每个部门中的每一个,我们都会给某人负责。如果没有任何负责人,没有任何事情发生。我们为他们提供了他们自己的小董事会的那些部门的董事会,他们是商界社会的成员,我们告诉他们筹集资源并举办议程并领导道路。我有一个理论 - 如果你有10人在一个无法游泳的游泳池中观看一个幼儿,那么孩子会淹死的机会,但如果你有一个人在游泳池里观看10个孩子,没有人淹死。有人必须负责,这就是我们所做的事情。我们吸引了人民,我们继续扩大议程来增加收入,培养我们将完成工作的声誉。国会和白宫和其他人尊重我们所做的事情。这意味着当我们参与政治 - 而不是总统,而是在房子和参议院,他们不想和我们一起与我们作斗争。我们带来了所有成员参加这个问题。 People listen to us more clearly now.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    好吧,这个问题是我们所做的正是你所要求的。首先,我们代表全国各种行业。所以在一些事情上,每个人都犯了。不合理的税收改革,明智的能源政策,不需要的监管减少,并保持有助于经济功能的监管。我们在世界各地运营。今天,我们有85人在华盛顿致力于国际事物,我们在世界各地拥有117个美国房间,我们拥有16个最大的双边和多边交易运作。例如,我们做印度 - 美国商业委员会... [r:我和他们互动],所以你所做的 - 获得最好的人,清晰的议程,简单的信息,充足的资源,并去做。这是,你知道,很像你的业务。A lot like a lot of businesses of companies that you’ve been involved in and I’ve been involved in. You have a product, you have to package it, get the right people to sell it, get the money to develop it and promote it. That’s why we came to the chamber and ran it like a world-class company.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    我们对这次合作感到非常兴奋。你知道,我们十年前没有做过这个手术。我们没有。我们可能在五年前就开始了,因为每个公司都在成为一个技术公司,每个社区都将成为一个技术社区。所以我们需要有室本身的能力了解行业的要求和需要,人们使用产品的要求和需求所需的工业生产和开发能力在国会代表这些行业,在白宫和监管机构,在世界各地,在媒体面前。现在,关于我们为什么要周游全国,你已经去过印第安纳州,我猜你这周在奥兰多。他们都是不同的,我们想进入这些城市,突出他们的独特特点。你去印第安纳州,那是一个很棒的地方,我在那里有很棒的朋友,他们做了了不起的事情。他们扩大了生产能力,吸引了很多优秀人才到大学、政府和公司工作。 They have a Midwestern sort of work ethic and they’re going to get it done. And, so, we want to highlight what their great strengths are which help people develop more technology, encourage technology companies to come to Indiana, encourage them to participate in the education programs and hire people and run businesses. Then you go to Orlando, and it’s not the same as Indiana. It’s way down south, it doesn’t get as cold in the winter, but they’re the center of tourism. All the Disneyland stuff, they’re the center and when you talk about tourism and Disneyland and all of that sort of thing, what you’re talking about is technology. It’s another kind of technology - entertainment technology, mobility technology, transportation technology, and it’s the technology of movies and sound and enjoyment. It’s a totally different deal. And, that’s another set of stories about technology - the kind of workers we want, the kind of encouragement we want to provide the young people, to tell them ‘there is a place for you, find what your passion is and pursue it.’That’s why you’re doing so well, being a strong advocate of trying to get people that are going to community colleges and two-year colleges to get the kind of skills they need to get good jobs - because the demand is unbelievable - and to continue their education.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。

    绝对,汤姆,你所知道的,你知道。在许多方面,技术夺走了过去的工作,为未来创造了更多,实际上你正确地指出了,技术与硅谷如此相关,但如果你看六个中心的Infosys建立,我们就成立了不寻常的地方 - 印第安纳州,凤凰城,哈特福德,罗德岛,德克萨斯州。我们认为,只要我们实际上可以通过整理的学校培训计划,并将它们放在工作上,只要有大量的人才。因此,就技术参与中心而言,当我们在十个城市称之为时,我相信他们会产生巨大的影响。

    Just teeing up on the next question which you alluded to, Infosys has worked significantly in the last two years in building almost nine and a half thousand local talent pools from these hubs and we’ve kind of demystified the entire notion that STEM education is needed for the future digital jobs. We’ve hired from liberal arts schools, design schools, community colleges, and we’re going to scale that experiment up. One of the things I’ve noticed from the journey in the last two years is that if governments, academia, institutions and and associations and federations like yours can come together, the biggest challenge today, which is workforce needs in the digital age, can easily be bridged. Do you see a role for governments and industry federations like yours to play in this ecosystem?

  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    是的,当然,伙伴关系是成功的最快方式。如果你在没有凭借周围的所有技能和资源的情况下搬家,你就犯了错误。当你谈论10个城市时,你需要技术,但你需要看看城市的性质和特征是什么。您不想出去开始为奥兰多开发农业技术。你想和所有的事情一起去奥兰多,我们刚刚谈到了[媒体和娱乐]。而你和你记得我们第一次见面时,我们同意,几乎当你告诉我你雇用康复时,我几乎跳出了椅子。我们需要Stem受过教育的人,但我们也需要人们支持所有工作。而且你从人们所在的地方服用它,他们的经历是什么,你借鉴了那个经历。那是我们谈到的,起初我说“什么?”当你说你正在招聘自由艺术教育的人。 Why not? They have studied history, government, languages, cultures, mathematics, these things are the connectivity to your basic customers. You see people think we’re training all these people for technology companies, which is true, but most of those technology companies are your customers and they weren’t technology companies before they became your customers.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    你知道,我们学到了很多关于所有这些和蒂姆会告诉你的,我们有一个小组和连锁店,担心保护公司和行业的知识产权。人们想一次在一个行业中做这些事情。不是这个项目。在这里,我们有人制作软件,电影,音乐,制药,我们有人们踢足球,他们想要保护NFL。我们有人们在这个国家的每个行业都希望其知识产权受到保护。这是一个技术挑战,他们想要保护的财产是技术的。So we, as a result, are able to form a strong group of industries from every part of the industrial spectrum and the creativity spectrum that have come together to protect their common interest and that is the technology they’ve developed, the innovation they’ve developed, the entertainment they’ve developed. They have gotten a hundred times stronger because we are doing it together, unlike if we had tried to do it one industry at a time.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    最后一个问题的答案是,当然可以!但有三到四件事。首先,我们一直有创新。我的意思是人们发明了铁路,飞机,航天飞机。所以我们一直拥有技术,但我们以一种完全不同的方式发展它——改变我们社会的生活、工作环境和业务。首先,这很可怕其次,这很令人兴奋第三,这很复杂。因此,有一段时间,一些科技公司开始把自己当成政府,认为科技是他们的一切。不,技术是,当你真正思考它的时候,是他们正在开发、生产和制造的服务于所有美国工业和家庭的东西。我们开始看到它无处不在。但后来我们遇到了四五个问题。 We got into the privacy issue on data, we got into dealing with government, state and local governments. Maybe they didn’t know anything, but they had a lot of power over companies and they got in, that explained why all the changes were going on in the industries, whether it was television or music. And the internet was pressed for all of this and for what was going on in the communities. Unknown, major change creates fear, fear creates frustration and anger and we’ve gone through some of that.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.

    缓解,它会改变很多。我们现在以前的方式以完全不同的方式看待这些东西。我们正在带人,就像你雇用人的方式一样,那些就是那些正在努力的人。I mean the guy or the gal that works, they see themselves as inventors but they don’t integrate these projects, skills and machines into the school system, the local community, the businesses in a way that makes people feel comfortable, that shows that all the jobs and opportunities created are going to be for families and individuals. When you’re in a hurry and you think you’re smarter than everybody else, sometimes, you make a few mistakes. But the fundamental thing is, we have to say technology has earned its stripes by doing things that make it possible for us to save lives, bring great efficiency to our businesses, improve communications and relationship between people all over the world. So, what do we have to do? We have to protect the technology companies from two issues, from all the conflicts they get into as they’re growing and expanding into other areas. We have to protect them from themselves and help them see how they can make a few changes and get engaged in communities in the way that it’s a relationship between the technology and the producers of it and the users and the people that need it. And we’re doing that today. We are going around to ten cities, and saying, look this is really positive, here are the benefits to your society, here’s how you get on the boat and start rowing. This is really important and the chamber has no choice but to be a major player in this because those are going to be all of our future members.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.


  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • Thomas J. Donohue.
    Thomas J. Donohue.
