
Ravi Kumar S.,主席,Infosys,采访Matt Calkins,创始人和首席执行官,Appian




  • 拉维·库马尔年代。

    大家好。我的名字是Infosys的总裁Ravi Kumar。欢迎来到这一新篇文章的开拓者。今天,我有一个非常迷人的创始人兼首席执行官,其中一个名为Appian的新时代软件公司。Appian是Infosys的一个大合作伙伴。Appian是一个“禁令”平台。它实际上是作为一个低码平台,我们今天会谈论它。多年来一直存在。2017年,他们继续取得成功的IPO。Matt Calkins,创始人和首席执行官今天是我们的客人。 He started this company in his basement and is now one of the most successful low-code/no-code platforms in the market today. Matt serves on the Northern Virginia Technology Council and also on the leadership council of Virginia Public Access Project. He's a big enthusiastic player in the in the board games and his most times finished as a topper of the World Boardgaming Championships. Welcome to Trailblazers, Matt, thank you for your time today.

  • 亚特·克莱克斯


  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • 亚特·克莱克斯

    有,是的,你是对的。有一个连接,肯定是。当然,董事会游戏和软件都是逻辑,但更重要的是,棋盘游戏与公司之间有一种联系。我喜欢写棋盘游戏的方式 - 我从历史形势开始,然后我把它归结为基本的因果关系。因此,我的最后一个是关于在20世纪30年代建造一家航空公司。为了写下这一点,我研究了航空公司和演变,以及他们如何赚钱以及他们害怕的东西以及他们如何竞争,这让我可以作为游戏作为一种降低的地图30多岁的航空公司首席执行官。因此,董事会游戏,创建棋盘游戏就像采取复杂的情况并实现其本质。我认为运行公司通常是同样的方式。您必须采取复杂的情况并掌握某些因素的重要性或最初,并相应地引导您的组织。 So yeah, I find a lot of commonality and I'll also say that playing a board game is a great preparation that anybody can do, even if you don't want to write board games you could still play them and build your skill at finding feedback loops. I think that's something that everybody in business should be doing is finding the results, realizing the results of their own efforts. And a board game is better than anything at telling you the results of your own efforts because within a couple hours you’ve won or lost. Ideally, you'd be seeking feedback loops in everything you do, including your career.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • 亚特·克莱克斯


  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • 亚特·克莱克斯

    几年前,我有了一个想法,大概是15年前,我把公司引向这个方向,因为我喜欢这个想法,这个想法就是你可以通过画一张图,画一个流程图来构建软件,然后这个流程图就变成了一个应用程序。我觉得这很有力量。这是一个人性化的,解放的,授权的概念,我们将使人们更容易地指定他们想要的机器如何操作,他们想要的软件如何运行,他们想要的软件如何改变。这是一个令人解放的,强大的概念。我想这就是我想要的公司。所以,一旦我们发现了这个想法,我们就开发了它,开创了它。我们领导了这个行业,这个行业过去被称为BPM,现在有人称之为工作流,但它已经变成了低代码。低代码的本质是工作流,也就是说绘制流程图并将其转化为应用程序。这是与电脑交流的一种非常人性化的方式。这是一种非常有效的方法。 By communicating with a machine in human terms instead of in machine terms, we liberate people to make fewer mistakes, to move more quickly, and to make changes later on. It's a, it's a very human concept and we've been on it for 15 years and we've been a pioneer and a leader, even in the market that was the precursor to low-code, but we're also the leader in low-code. We're the first and I think still the only company to go public as a low-code firm, four years ago and we own low-code dot com. So, that proves it. And we also, I think out of the pure play low-code firms, we got the most revenue, we got the longest history. So yeah, we're right in the middle of it right now.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。

    所以,马特,非常感谢你,你知道非常迷人,非常迷人的故事。事实上,我会稍微快速,速度一点,你描述的方式。但告诉我们一点点 - 这在内部机制方面如何工作?你差点说,一个用户可以讲述应用程序需要做什么以及Appian生态系统或工具包将完成该应用程序,其基本上正在与机器交谈。如何在某种程义上在某种程义上逆转到企业软件的方式?

  • 亚特·克莱克斯

    有一个原因是为什么低码是建立应用程序的新方法以及为什么它在2020年的动荡年度后变得如此流行,当企业学会了能够适应改变的重要性。低码为您提供两个简单的事物,它们都是根据低码是工作流的事实。第一个是低码快速 - 它很快绘制工作流程图并更改它,并且该速度允许您使用您的应用程序更快地播放到您的应用程序。您可以使用低电平代码执行的第二件事您可以将所有资源汇集在一起​​。你有不同的工人和不同类型的资产。工人现在不仅仅是人了,现在你有AI,你有RPA,你可以把所有人带到你的流程图中,就像拖放一样简单。然后,无论在企业中都存在,您还可以像数据一样带入您的流程图。外部系统 - 我们很容易。FlowChart范例使其易于拖放新的连接,新数据源,新工作人员类型和低代码,最终成为企业的统一和潜在资产的实际器。那些是你今天从低码中获得的两个主要事情。

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


  • 亚特·克莱克斯

    是的,这是正确的。我相信这是准确的,从我们所看到的来看,这是正确的。你知道,这很有必要。一年多前我做了一个预测。在我们2019年底的会议上,我说过,在即将开始的十年里,世界上的大多数应用程序将用低代码编写。在当时,这听起来相当大胆,但一年后,我得说这一点都不大胆。分析师们也纷纷表示类似的看法。Forrester说,到21年底,四分之三的公司将使用低编码写作。Gartner预测,大多数应用程序将在几年后以低代码的方式构建。我认为现在这已经成为主流。 There's really two reasons. One is the crisis of 2020 and the need for speed that it taught all businesses. But the other is simple trends. The world keeps wanting more software, the world doesn't have more developers and so we're gonna have to make more software with the developers we have. We have to be more efficient. One developer has to equal more applications than they used to. And so, we're just going to need an increase in the efficiency function and low-code is that increase. So, I believe for both reasons because of the crises last year and because of the long-term trends and the shortage of developers and the need for more software. I think both trends necessitate low-code.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。

    事实上,明星你知道你在一个重要的时候挑选。2020是一种拐点,因为企业必须更快地改变。但企业也在界限上进行测试。所以,当你写一些很紧张的东西时,你实际上无法测试界限,你实际上不能足以让市场变化。2020年的健康危机确实推动了企业完全伸展到界限,以便在你谈到的情况下改变的权力同样重要。当我称之为时,大多数公司都希望准备到下一个未知的未知。并且尽可能快,它必须是改变的力量。20年前的企业软件只旋转你拾起的其他话题之一,因为他们有一小部分开发商,建造了大量消费者。您正在建立一个新的革命,生产者将成为消费者,消费者将成为生产者,这意味着普通用户是一个能力用户所需的大量工作,如果我可能会有能力自助软件。 How do you see that change being enabled?

  • 亚特·克莱克斯

    是的,我认为,当我们授权人们以较少和更少的阻抗创建应用程序时,您将找到越来越多的人希望创建应用程序。现在,我想澄清Appian属于低码宇宙的地方。我们属于金字塔的顶部;Appian提供最大的组织。我们是最重要,最可扩展的应用程序的平台。因此,我们不是公民开发人员立即使用的应用程序的平台,或者我很抱歉,由公民开发人员创建。如果他们有钥匙,这不是他们建立的第一件事。但是,这是市场的趋势。有一天,我们都将在那里。我们将能够赋予所有人编写自己的应用程序。 I also want to address what you said right before that - you talked about speed and how 2020 was a test, a difficult time for organizations, pushed them to the boundaries, as you said. That is true. It was a speed test. Many organizations failed. All organizations learned how incredibly important it is to be prepared to change your behavior in times of crisis or opportunity, or shifts in regulation, or whatever it is. We will never go back to not expecting agility from our organizations. But it was an essential year for a technology that facilitates speed. For example, when the pandemic first hit, we were, to my knowledge, the first organization to have a Covid safety application on the market. And I say on the market because we were giving it away. We gave it away to a 1000 organizations and because low-code is fast and because we are leaders in low-code, we were able to create a Covid safety application immediately, and then we gave it away and we disbursed it as broadly as we could - to organizations hoping that they could protect their own workers and keep their workplaces safe. With this application and it was broadly used, right, many examples, the National Health Service in the UK used it to protect their health workers and their patients in London and many other places. I’m really proud of that, but it just showed the importance of responsiveness, how important speed is. I don't think we'll ever go back. I think speed became in 2020 an expectation, agility became an expectation for software and that's never changing. From now on, software must be flexible and that's an exciting new world, because for a long-time software has held organizations in the past, locked them into old patterns of behavior. And I think that's broken now.

  • 拉维·库马尔年代。


    亚特·克莱克斯好吧,这是一个很好的观点。将来会有合并,我并不意味着在互相获取的供应商方面的综合,尽管我认为这将是其中一些。我的意思是巩固概念。低码已经合并,就像曾经是BPM的东西一样,曾经是工作流程,现在是低代码。但我现在看到了一个更重要的整合正在发生。事实上,我甚至认为它是我对低码定义的一部分。我说,你必须能够统一企业的资产,并将它们带入工作流程。如果你不能把东西带入它,那么工作流程是什么?协调企业中各种资产的能力是低码的重要预期。您没有实现低码的全部功能,直到您可以使用它来访问,利用您组织中的许多资产,RPA,AI到数据到外部系统 - 低码将成为一种用于带来的车辆 together the various assets in your organization, which heretofore has come under the term automation. In fact, sometimes when I say what Appian is, just to emphasize the importance of this kind of cross enterprise unification I say, Appian is in the low-code automation business because automation implies this accessing of various assets and bringing them together. I believe that's the next major consolidation we're going to see. Low-code and automation are going to be effectively the same thing 12 months, 24 months from now and we're going to continue because this is a big new idea and big ideas tend to expand to fill the space available so low-code is not finished but that's the next convergence you're going to see.

    拉维·库马尔年代。谢谢,马特。That's such a fascinating conversation we have had today and what a fascinating company you're leading at a time when we are at an inflection point where ‘low-code, no-code’ is going to be more mainstream, enterprise software is going to be embraced and consumed much more. And I actually believe that we're going to find ourselves in a world where producers are going to be consumers, consumers are going to be producers of software and the guard rails of traditional enterprise software is going to be unleashed. And you're going to see infinite value and infinite consumption of software with this phenomenal journey you've started on and I'm hoping more enterprise software companies follow suit. And thank you for spending time today with us.

  • 亚特·克莱克斯


  • 拉维·库马尔年代。
