
Ravi Kumar S.,Infosys,Infosys,采访博士,Cigna执行副总裁兼首席信息官Mark Boxer博士




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    大家好,欢迎来到开拓者系列的下一个版本。今天和我在一起的是信诺执行副总裁兼全球首席信息官马克•博克瑟(Mark Boxer)。Mark的职业生涯跨越多个组织,横跨技术、保险和医疗保健领域。他曾为施乐公司WellPoint公司工作,现在是信诺的全球首席信息官。马克有两个博士学位——一个是公共卫生,一个是卫生管理;工商管理硕士和信息科学硕士。多么多样化的背景啊!马克,非常感谢你今天的加入,欢迎来到开拓者系列节目!

  • 马克的拳击手


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 马克的拳击手

    医疗保健是一个转折点。现在有大量的变化正在发生,就在这里,和我们所有人一起。纵观保险和医疗服务行业,我们从消费者的角色和数据的爆炸,甚至是我们如何行医和照顾病人中看到了这一点。但是,最重要的是,我们看到了我们用来瞄准这些机会的技术,而且,我要补充的是,所有这些都发生在一个不可持续的卫生保健系统的背景下,在这个系统中,成本不等于质量,获取仍然是一个挑战。在我看来,这些问题是普遍的;挑战是显而易见的——不断增加的慢性病、人口老龄化、以生活方式为基础的疾病需要改变。信诺在这方面处于领先地位。我们在30个国家和地区拥有超过7.4万名员工,在全球拥有超过1.6亿客户关系,为我们的市场、部门和业务带来积极的变化。现在,随着快捷药方成为我们团队的一部分,成为我们组织的一部分,我们将有更多的机会来实现我们所说的“全人健康”的概念。我们用科技使之成为现实。 It’s worth noting that’s not about technology for technology’s sake. Cigna is leading the way through our products, our services that materially improve affordability, increase access and provide more personalization. Center of this, digital is a key enabler to making that real. The digital- first orientation creates opportunities to sharpen our focus on the individual and their healthcare needs and meet them where they are. At Cigna, our mission is quite simple: to improve the health, well-being, and peace of mind for those we serve; and to make this mission real, we focus on the rapid deployment of new capabilities through a massive transformational change.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 马克的拳击手


    因此,首先,我们的敏捷模式是业务主导的,经验导向,这意味着,它从外面侧面侧重于改善特定利益相关者的经历,并通过这位客户和利益相关者的商业价值创作镜头推动我们的工作- 前言定向渗透我们所做的所有解决方案。


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 马克的拳击手

    嗯,我们考虑通过多个维度开始创新,在Cigna,我们只有三个作为公司的资产。我们有数据,我们有技术,我们有人。我建议人才是我们的头号差异化因素。因此,我们的文化专注于制定多元化的人才,又创造了高性能的团队。我们只有我们的人民照顾好自己的人,他们照顾好您的客户。这在健康服务空间中是真实的,因为它在任何空间。以至于,我们高度专注于招募发展和保留最佳人才。我们知道我们的世界级健康服务方向需要深入的技术专家池,以创新,创造和成长。数字分析,云和网络只是我会说的一些例子。为我们的合作伙伴,技术人才的竞争是激烈的。 We, therefore, need to think about our collective talent through a concept that I call the “Extended Enterprise” means the walls between Cigna and our partners early-stage, mid-stage, mature, come down, and we think about pools of talent in a much more, I would say creative way. The Infosys hub here in Hartford increases Cigna’s technology talent pool and extends our reach and in the process provides a venue for new skills, new ideas, new insights. The Infosys partnership is a key part of our technology transformation strategy and we will tap into this in growing ways. You know, the IT industry is changing rapidly and in very innovative ways. Nowhere is this more prominent than in the digital analytics domains. Cannot separate a business strategy from a digital and analytic strategy. This means speed, flexibility, and connectivity are paramount. Getting better solutions from and with partners makes real, what I’d call, the art and the science of the possible in healthcare today. We got to this point, will not carry us forward. We need to push ourselves further. This Hartford delivery center is a unique venue for bringing together shared learnings, best practices, collaboration between Cigna and Infosys. So, when you boil it all down it’s really what it’s all about. Unique, trusted, and collaborative partnerships. Infosys being just one example.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 马克的拳击手

    Ravi,这是一个非常相关和重要的问题。在可以执行一些诊断测试的时间,通常在智能手机上的临床环境中施用,机会很清楚。以更高的成本创造对更高质量保健的增加,并在更大的一致性和符合客户的过程中,我们称之为“移动连接的消费者的年龄”新方程,MC平方。这里有很多机会肯定。加强我们的游戏为这位客户需要我们的行业推动创造力和创新的界限,并为我们实现数字的全部潜力。在Cigna,技术被视为战略推动者,在重要的时刻创造与客户的仔细或有意义的联系。这是在这些关键时刻,当我们的客户依赖于我们时,我们必须确定如何最好地参与他们,满足他们的需求,为最佳结果提供支持和激励信心。对于健康的患者保持健康,对于风险患者,患者变得更加健康,对于那些患有慢性疾病的人来实现最佳生活,是的,在该过程中使我们的社区变得更加健康。我们的客户的最长旅程从医疗行业之外的经验拉动,以塑造他们对他们想要订婚的期望。凭借我们的消费者为中心的方法,我们的数字创新集中在问题陈述,而不是该技术。 The pervasiveness of connected mobile devices gives customers the ability to engage anytime, anywhere concurrently through different channels and now, customers are attaining a wider range of health- related services through a diverse set of channels, but, while the channels change, the basics remain the same. Understand their needs, give them better guidance, information, and support that they need to better navigate our very complex healthcare system and in the end, live better, healthier lives. Embracing digital, its power, its promise creates a more inclusive approach to health care. The healthcare ecosystem with greater affordability and personalization. Cigna is leading the way tackling challenges and issues like the opioid crisis and childhood obesity, removing the stigma around behavioral health issues in the process of creating healthier communities. To quote John F Kennedy, “A rising tide lifts all boats” and that holds true in today’s digital healthcare world. We welcome the chance to use innovation to engage consumers with more relevance and propagate those models out to the community. It’s our mission. It’s who we are. So, to do that we must address the three I’s, as I call them. Inspiration, Innovation and Integration. Inspiration gives consumers a reason to come to you, to engage; innovation, meet them where they are, make it mobile; and, integration, this means make it simple, mask the fragmentation and complexity that exist in healthcare today. The three Is are what we are about when it comes to digital and to the technology bets we are making. Cigna and Infosys in the Hartford Center -- that’s what partnerships are all about!