
Ravi Kumar S.,Infosys,Infosys,采访Eric Holcomb,印第安纳州州州霍尔科克,印第安纳州秘书长




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    大家好。我的名字是Infosys的总裁Ravi Kumar。欢迎来到下一个版本的DrainBlazers。今天我有两个非常令人兴奋的客人,我的举办众多朋友。印第安纳州印第安纳州第51届州长的总督,印第安纳州商贸秘书埃里克霍尔康布和吉姆·施林省长。非常感谢您与我们交谈。我很高兴能够在这篇文章的开拓者的这一章中感到很高兴。我们一直在为过去一年这样做,这是关于对我们所居住的社会产生重大影响的个人以及我们所代表的行业。我不得不说这个 - 我遇到了世界各地的许多州长和政府官员,但我永远无法比较印第安纳州的任何其他国家或世界上任何其他政府。

    Eric Holcomb:那非常善良。

    Ravi Kumar:非常感谢。非常感谢所有合作伙伴关系。所以,州长,你知道,我从2016年看见了你有那么多,有点,在国家进步。下一级工作是一项主动,下一级道路,我喜欢下一个级别的联系,如何带上没有在数字高速公路上送到互联网的互联网,道路上的海岸利员。这是一种具有强度的现象之旅。这一点,真正突出的是你所做的声明 - 为世界带来印第安纳州并将世界带到印第安纳州。因为我没有看到任何其他州,你恰恰是什么意思?

  • 埃里克霍尔卡

    好吧,我们是,第一,一个热情的状态。我们闻名于我们的热情好客。我们的意思是。我们是一个州,从我们的一开始,伪造出森林的方式,你知道,几个世纪以前。从一开始就深入了解这片土地。And then, therefore innovating our way to tomorrow with company by company, generation by generation and when you look through the evolution of Corporate America, you can really find companies, world class companies, whether it’s in the auto industry or life sciences or in agriculture, you pick it, you can find it in Indiana. And then you find companies who have survived and thrived because they’ve had this global outlook. I would say we want to grow “glocally.” We want to grow locally and globally. And simultaneously. And we know as you get around the world, the world gets smaller and smaller and smaller and time goes faster and faster and faster when you are addressing mutual problems. I was talking with, and Secretary Schellinger was there, we were talking with Prime Minister Modi about mutual challenges in my state, and his nation, two democracies, his happens to be the largest in the world. But we have the same challenges - nutrition, healthcare delivery, education, higher education. What does higher education mean today? And that’s why we are just so excited to have Infosys here in the state of Indiana because you are a corporate beacon of innovation. And truly to take your company, our state to the next level, we have to do it together and we want as much brain power, as much innovation, as much energy as we can pack inside our borders. And for a state like Indiana which you and I have talked about, that’s 83% still former forest. A lot of terrain out there is feeding the world, by the way. We can expand our playing field as long as every Hoosier, every guest feels connected not only to one another - on the street, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, but connected to the world. And that’s why we are making these investments in our infrastructure, and our greatest asset, our people.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Jim Schellinger
    Jim Schellinger

    哦,他们是非常非常富有成效的,在所有行业的支付工作非常高。在制造业中,但没有大于技术产业,你已经向Salesforce和Wipro添加了这么多,我曾经和Wipro一起工作,我知道,不断地。它为我们的城市和我们的州是神奇的。当你知道的时候,ravi都会归结为ravi,当时我在印度看到你时。我们有一个讲述的故事。这是关于所作的状态。我们现在在我们的第三个主要的总督中,这是一个愿景,这一切都是向上的轨迹。所以团队,我们遵循领导力,对吗?所以,当我们在国内或在国际人面前出门时,我们告诉我们的故事。我们的击球平均值真的很高,因为我们只是有一个故事来告诉我们,我们是美国心里州十字路口的核心。 And everything is intersecting here, in Indiana.

    Ravi Kumar:它是跨行的。

    Jim Schellinger:跨行。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    伟大的!您知道,在我遇到的所有州和国家州长,您是那个谈论未来技能和劳动力的人。Markle Foundation合作伙伴关系您对智能人员培养并培养了国家公民,这里的企业未来所需的技能。让我们了解这是如何发展的以及如何为印第安纳州独特定位。

  • 埃里克霍尔卡

    Markle Foundation,我问他们当我们成为美国的第二个州作为一种熟练的国家,为什么印第安纳州,在交易完成后,他们说,因为你在做而不是说话。这需要一些焦点。这需要一些勇气。这要求如果您想要不同的最终结果,您可能需要对自己不同的事情。无论是否与您的结构有关,您所设定的目标,您的目标程度有多高,您愿意在联合运动中携带的资源。所以我们看着人口稀缺,我们如何从我们的国家外面吸引人才,从现在开始到我们将在10年的地方增长至关重要。我们可以做数学,我们不是数学拒绝。我们知道那里有多少婴儿潮一代。我们知道有多少被监禁,印第安纳州的27,000人,因为劳动力发展计划,自2017年以来,我们的常规率下降了4%,因为他们正在获得良好的工作,因为工作就在那里。And so if we are going to continue on this trajectory as the secretary mentioned, we know that whether it’s in precision, agriculture, life sciences, aerospace, aviation, auto, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, whatever the sector is, we know that we are going to have to skill up folks who are already the 1.1 million, who are in our K-12 pipeline right now. We have to make sure that there are no leaks in that pipeline and that they are leading to progression in one’s life, and to the next step and the next step to the next step. Stackable credentials and certificates that lead to degrees, when the person and their passion align to taking that next step. And we are going to continue to fund programs and value policies that work for people. We always say we are a state that works and I always say we are the state that ‘works, for all’. No matter what your background is – rural, urban, suburban – we want to make sure that you are aware and that you have access to an opportunity where you get to determine your own destiny. And in a state like Indiana, in the heart of the heartland we are going to express our heart in the process.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Jim Schellinger
    Jim Schellinger

    肯定,在这方面,总督是非常谦虚的。他和第一夫人的最后一位英里计划正在编码,这些家伙正在找工作。这是一个很大的事。它可能是我们可以与Infosys合作的东西。因为他们在许多方面受到了培训。但我们有很多事情在国家之外。IDC, we are constantly advertising in every state of our state that works and when the governor was first elected, he appointed a secretary of career and talent attraction and Secretary Blair Milo’s full time job – he directly reports to the governor – is getting the word out to first, keep them here that are already here, but the second, bring them in. And I think the governor’s progress has been effective. 31,800 people migrated to Indiana last year for jobs you mentioned at the podium today, and that’s not by chance and that’s by design and by strategy.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 埃里克霍尔卡

    是的,我们正朝着正确的方向前进,我们每天都在增加动力,正如我所说的那样,成功吸引了成功。所以,当雇员或雇主正在与全国各地的队列交谈时,在印第安纳州,如果您在军队,养老金或印第安纳州,我们不再征收您的州收入我们正在伸出或试图刮掉可能已经去了Notre Dame或Purdue或Iu或汉诺威或常春藤技术的校友角色;如果他们离开印第安纳州,我们就会向他们撤出。我们的公司本身正在遍及全世界。您,Salesforce ......销售福尔卡对我所知道的,他们知道它正在努力,因为他们有一个人从檀香山从檀香山搬到印第安纳州,他们认为这是一个非常好的迹象,因为你是对的,当人们到达时,我们变得粘在这里了解生活质量的真实定义。而且没有拥堵,无论您寻找什么速度,生活费用,后院的世界级高等教育机构都可以访问他们。

    Ravi Kumar:紧紧综合的学者,政府和企业。

  • 埃里克霍尔卡

    是的,我们的慈善翼,这也是从我们的一开始就与之。所以做得很好的公司正在回馈。Lilly捐赠只是一个名字。但是,我们的基础是我们的协会,无论是商会还是制造业协会或NFIB。每个人都看起来挑战并寻求解决方案,所以我们真的会肩并肩。有些人在后面推,有些人在前面拉动,每个人都在洛克斯特普举行。那是因为我们有一个计划,我们非常透明,我们把你的卡片朝上了,我们说,这是我们想去的地方,你和我们在一起吗?And our problem usually is, okay we got, we can only put five guys on that floor, at the same time or nine on the fields, you pick it, or 11. And it’s making sure we are getting the right people at the right time and we are stepping in and we are moving down the field together and that’s a special recipe when you have all the ingredients and we will …

    Ravi Kumar:这不是关于你的。

    Eric Holcomb:这正是它是什么,这是生态系统以正确的规模和节奏成熟。

  • Jim Schellinger
    Jim Schellinger


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    绝对地。我们对生态系统很兴奋。事实上,今天是一个美好的一天,为企业培训大学签署了光束。它将是美国公司中最大的。这是我们的国家设施。我们到达这一点的轻松几乎谈到了在印第安纳州做生意的容易。为共同原因和共同的原因带来一套非常多样化的利益相关者,因此我们非常兴奋的是未来的内容,因为Infosys Of Indiana开展了infosys。再次谢谢总督,今天的时间。谢谢,秘书,与我们共度时光。非常感谢。