目的地应用AI - 就像社区一样

There is a lot happening in the world of science - whether it’s the recent breakthrough in understanding protein structures, the race to quantum computing, or the pandemic tracing and related developments - the commonality running through it all is the application of AI that is helping solve real world problems.

Accidental experiments by universities using data on climate change, migration patterns and COVID tracking by every neighborhood are giving a view into ‘what if’ scenarios such as - questioning if we moving towards renewable energies like earlier days, or the sensitivity and impact of government policies and regulatory decisions for the hyper-local. The success of these explain how well have community organizations been able to co-relate big data with AI algorithms, and applied it in the real world for the larger good.



插入在Mohit Joshi,infosys,Illah Reza Nourbakhsh,K&L盖茨的伦理和计算技术教授,Carnegie Mellon大学的伦理和计算技术教授,因为他们无缝地连接科学,AI和角色之间的角色企业。