
Ravi Kumar S.,Infosys主席,采访迈克库勒,高级副总裁兼首席信息和首席数字人员,Exelon Corporation




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    大家好。我的名字是Infosys的总裁Ravi Kumar。欢迎来到新版的拖车。普通的展示者谈论,就像你们中的一些人一样,是关于对他们所在的组织产生重大影响的个人,以及他们所居住的社会以及他们真正代表的行业。

    所以,今天我有一个杰出的客人,Cio和Exelon Corporation的首席数字人员Mike Koehler。自2016年以来,迈克在过去的三年里一直在用Exelon。他一直处于这个问题的不同角色;他在惠普担任惠普,担任北美市场的高级副总裁,在此之前,他在全球担任EMC担任专业服务总裁,并在他在EDS和各种角色上担任阶层,并负责全球外包负责EDS市场。作为您中的一些人,Exelon是一家财富100家公司,每年有350亿美元加上收入,能源公用事业领导。谢谢迈克,今天加入我们。很高兴有你在班加罗尔校区。感谢您与我们共度时光,谈论能源部门以及优先素在做什么。所以,迈克以我的第一个关于能源部门趋势的第一个问题。


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.

    是的,谢谢你,ravi,在这里举办我。I’m thrilled to be here in Bangalore today, but to your question, it’s an exciting time in the utilities in the energy sector overall, you know, from my chair you know I couldn’t be in a better spot, right, as you talked about the 5 Ds all of that has to come together, and the trends we’ve seen is all about the digital fabric that sits underneath it, so, whether it’s distributed energy, the alignment of customers and producers, the connectivity between what a consumer is to the utility, has never been one case more transformational than it needs to than it is right now. But, it also and we start to think about these concepts of connected communities or smart cities has everything to do with the integration of all of the facilities and all of the capabilities that you actually need in your city, so historically we saw, you know, utilities really being a single transaction. I went to buy my energy and I didn’t think much about anything else other than the rate, in a lot of cases, that was this notion of you didn’t even call him a customer, you called him a ratepayer because they were captive, whatever the rates became that you ended up paying and your only choice was to use less energy. That market has materially moved on as you talk about whether it be distributed energy, this notion of micro-grids and the consumer, the flexibility of what the consumer has in the utilities segment has never been stronger and, you know, especially when you start to then think about not just a single transaction with your utility provider but how all of your city services come into play, that’s really where we’re seeing the market and where we’re building the platforms and capability to really begin to play in that, in a much different way than just being a single utility in a single transaction with a customer.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.

    Yeah, I think it does a couple of things, because, you know, for a while there was this view of smart grids or micro-grids that, you know, in users we’re gonna be really a part of and I think the markets starting to really move to, like anything, the hype of what it could be with a single consumer is changing and, so, you’re starting to really see community grids being the way that we think that’s going to come to market. So, whether it be small solar farms for community or wind farms, you know, renewables really at the community level is where we’re starting to see that and it’ll be a part of the ecosystem, you know, it is the technology changes whether it’s in wind or solar, it’s a part of actually the generation. It’s not the whole answer but it’s a huge answer, especially when you start to think about de-carbonization, and getting to the green energy that has to be a part of the future and so, for us we’re also a very big producer. We’re the largest nuclear producer in the US, that is good for baseload but where people want to need to go is, you know, getting away from coal and getting away from some of the historical energy production methods and getting much more to the micro-grid and community solar and community wind.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    那么,您认为数字化的采用是缓慢的还是其他行业还不了解?您对此有什么看法?数字化的作用是什么? Exelon在这个领域做了什么?

  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.

    这是规则。It’s this traditional again when you only thought about the transaction between the customer and the and the provider being just purely your rate base and a bill… there wasn’t a lot of need for innovation and that there wasn’t a lot of need in the consumers’ mind. They just thought about their electric company and they thought about I get a bill for the amount of energy I use. The customers, now, moving away from that and, so, when you think about digitization and customers have you know the expectation on their mobile phone of what was the best website and the best engagement they had with a consumer company. They think about that and they have those expectations.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.

    They’ll think “Oh, let me go backwards and go back to an old technology or maybe no technology” and my utility, they have the same exact expectation if they were shopping on Amazon and, then, they flip around and want to do something to change their bill or modify their services. They expect that same level of capability and that’s part of what’s really changed and has changed, you know, a lot of the energy and utilities segment and really to go think much more about a consumer, you know, back to the deregulation side of it. As customers make choices, right? We all make choices on, you know, our shopping experiences we like and our shopping experiences we don’t like, we’re gonna have that same context in the energy and utilities sector.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.

    嗯,我的意思是我们有一个有趣的动态 - 我们有一个老化的劳动力,所以我们有很多人就是在生活中的下一章来到他们的退休。所以,我们看到了,你知道,这是一个可怕的事情,因为我们看到了很多人的退休年龄。But, at the same time, that it has a natural place for as those skill-based workers retire themselves out, the types of skills that we start to hire to bring in to feed that, will be much, much different and we think it’s much more around the knowledge worker. I mean words we’ve used in the industry for a while, but more about the knowledge worker, more about a, not a generalist per se, but, somebody that’s very tech-savvy that aligns to understanding the business in a very deep way, but also has elements of a technologist embedded in them.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.

    这也是一个很大的变化,对。所以,当我们出门和市场招聘时,它是你知道的,这是一个非常艰难的市场。但历史中的遗产,人们不会醒来并说“耶,我想去创新。让我去一家能源和公用事业公司“。所以,对于我们来说,它真正的品牌我们用技术在每次对话中都有所做的事情,因为人们的遗产思想认为没有什么令人兴奋的那样,这是一个困倦的,你知道。从我们谈到行业转型的所有事情中,它都不会进一步。But, that element of technology is something we’ve spent a lot of time speaking about within the technology world, but, when you talk to our business leaders, it’s as much about how they recruit people and how they have got to talk about technology and where the industry is going and where we’re going as a company. It is part of changing that dynamic of the skills that we have in the company.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Mike Koehler.
    Mike Koehler.
