
印孚瑟斯总裁Ravi Kumar S.采访圣三一学院的J. Berger-Sweeney




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    大家好,我的名字是Ravi Kumar。我是Infosys的总统。非常感谢您今天加入我们。我们有一个叫做Trailblazers的非常有趣的系列。该系列侧重于与业界领导者,学术界,政府和我们住在的社区的对话,他对社会产生了巨大影响。我最兴奋的一件事就是我们对学术界所做的事情。今天,我和我在乔安妮三一学院总统,也是我的好朋友。我很荣幸让她在这个谈话系列上。她是一个雄辩的演讲者和一位自由艺术的巨大福音传教士。乔安妮,非常感谢你加入我们。

  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    我在你的家乡,哈特福德。Since we last met, we’ve made massive progress at our Hartford hub -- we’ve hired more than three hundred people, since we made the announcement, of which a hundred plus work at the hub and one batch is undergoing training, also in the hub. Another batch is training in Trinity College -- our first liberal arts batch! Liberal arts is one of our biggest bets in the digital space; we are creating a national experiment with Trinity College, so we’re very excited about it. I heard the first batch is up and running and that they are very excited about the future.

    你知道,我昨晚正在与数字经济专家进行对话。我们谈到了这个非常有趣的演变,这是在人才空间中发生的。工作区正在从一个模型中移动,您可以将私人人力容量私有能力与您将拥有私人人类能力加上GIG经济;因此,有一个巨大的虚拟人才池,您可以访问......然后,它将在它上面有机器。所以你会从人类到人类加上机器加上演出的经济。现在,随着这一进步,这看起来是真实的,我在我们的节目中看到了这一点,我们也会在我们的客户中看到它 - 机器将提供数据和见解;演出经济将在数字世界中提供所需的规模和敏捷性;人类将会带来创造性方面。因此,创造性的人力将由机器和演出经济扩大。在这方面,自由艺术将在过渡发生的情况下发挥非常大的作用以及人类在工作空​​间中做些什么来发展。 Can you tell us a little bit about this?

  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    Yeah… so the first thing is I believe -- you know I’m a neuroscientist by training -- so I do study artificial intelligence what’s going to happen with AI and what’s clear to me is there always has to be a human in the loop to make it work, that as much data as you have you’re still going to have to interpret it, you’re going to have to analyze it, and that is a piece that humans will always be a part of. If you step back and think about the skill set that people are going to need in the new economy, I think you have to have data analytical skills you have to be able to learn how to learn because you’re going to have to retrain yourselves all the time. You’re absolutely going to have to need some kinds of data skills and the fourth skill that some people forget is how to interact with others because in all of the economies that you spoke about you still are going to have to bridge, connect with other people, connect with other kinds of divisions and that’s going to take the people skills. Of all of those skills that we spoke about my guess is that the data skills may be the fastest to acquire. Analytical skills take a number of years to acquire you are connecting things that are disparate that people aren’t used to connecting before all of those skill sets are going to take a bit of time and I think the data analysis piece is the part that we can teach probably a little bit more rapidly. I think that many digital companies have been focusing on the data stream as if that’s the most important of the qualities and skillsets that I just described, when you talk about liberal arts we are focusing on all of those other three streams and some of our individuals are also coming out with the data skills. So the piece that we want to add is based on all those three skill sets that I think are important we’re adding that digital bridge and that’s what you’re helping us do. Because we think we have the analytical skills, the ability to learn, the socialization piece.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    而且,您知道问题发现是一个更大的技能然后解决问题,如果您刚回到这三件事,我谈到了 - 人类,演出和机器 - 越来越多的机器将接管问题解决,以及问题发现将留给人类。那么你在自由艺术中教授什么,这两种对自由艺术的两种茎流是如何不同的?

  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    正确的。所以我认为文科的核心是广泛的学科,以及一两个学科的深度,所以有时我们把它称为T -宽度和深度,你知道,在一个特定的学科。的特定部分文科教育是你学习许多不同的主题,不同的地区,和你开始连接东西从来没有连接,你在学习一门关于南北战争在美国和你在哲学课程,学习文科,你开始把这些联系起来你开始思考战争的道德问题,各种基础广泛的学科这是因为你结合了人文学科,英语,哲学,社会科学,经济学,或者你知道政治科学,还有一些你在科学中学习的课程,比如物理,化学和生物。所以你必须选修广泛的课程,你允许你的大脑做的是在不同的学科之间进行沟通,形成其他人之前没有形成的联系。所以当你来到一个新的环境,你看到一个没人问过的新问题,你实际上已经发展了一套技能,把人们以前没有联系过的东西联系起来,就像我说的。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    完全是因为我们说我们可以教导一些已经开发的更广泛的分析技能和一些社交技能的数据分析技能。我认为对我们所做的事情尤为重要,我们在文科中所做的是我们都专注于课堂上发生的事情,也在课堂外。So some of what is happening is a person decides I would like to start a new club, no one in our institution has ever had a club about India -- you know I’m just taking a random example -- and it’s creating what you want to do, taking a leadership role, trying to figure out how you form a club, what do you need, who are the stakeholders, all of that learning is happening outside of the classroom. So if you combine incredible skill sets that you’re doing developing inside the classroom with some of this leadership and even athletic skills that you’re learning outside of the classroom you realize a bit what’s particularly special about the liberal arts -- an additional element is you’re learning in a liberal arts education how to be an engaged citizen in the world.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    我想有很多相似之处,记住我如何描述你的描述,你们知道自由艺术是一个伟大的宽度。The depth of the scientist or the mathematician is a little different from the depth that the person in an English major or a political science major has but that breadth is what’s in common and in some ways you might think of it as the breadth that holds all of those depths together.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    绝对乔安妮!事实上,第一个批次为我们和我们的伙伴关系提供了一个很好的学习机会。在可预见的未来,我们将几乎每月都有批次。我们正在招聘美国,然后让他们到哈特福德和三一学院。我们相信这可以重新定义最广泛的艺术对数字时代意味着什么。你知道,世界上,从曾经是一条直线研究的专业工作,到一个终身学习和持续重塑的连续性几乎是数字时代的美德。当我们转入终身学习者时,正在学到的,即将成为一个真正的美德,绝对必要在数字时代保持相关。和文科是基础的基础。您创建了一个可读性索引,正如我所说的那样(我不知道是在字典中的可读性),但学习性指数是我们想要寻找的是我们雇用的,特别是我们正在招聘的学校毕业。你想告诉我们一些关于我们如何成为学习者的生活。 This, to me, is the most important virtue in this transition.

  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    你绝对是对的,并感谢你让我有机会谈谈你如何学习学习,因为我们都了解在一生中的进步方面的重要性。而且如果你看,例如在线学习,当人们已经知道如何学习时,它最为成功。这就是为什么在线学习通常如此成功,因为他们已经学会了如何学习,以及他们正在做的事情正在开发一项新技能,因为他们了解如何学习。所以我会告诉你一点关于我认为在学习如何学习时至关重要。I think it’s really important to do a wide variety of subjects, to see what you do well, what you don’t do well, and I think it’s particularly important to reflect on how you learn so when you go to a liberal arts college for four years, you’re taking many different subjects, some of them you’re going to be better at than others, and in this process of taking different subjects in different fields, you’re learning a little bit about yourself and how you learn and you’re reflecting on how you carry that skillset into a different arena, and you know a different class let’s say for example. And I think that that process of taking once again different courses in different subject areas, you’re learning differ rent things about your own personal learning style, and you’re reflecting on them so that by the time you get to the end of the four-year process... let’s say for example, you understand so much better how you learn what’s necessary. Do I learn better by seeing visuals? Do I learn better by having a conversation with you? And you’re doing this with a group of peers and other people who are pushing you and pressing you, because that’s really when you determine the limits of your own learning when other people are pushing you, asking you questions, really making you think and reflect… so that process comes with time. that’s not something you learn in a single class in a couple of weeks. Whereas you can think some of the digital skills that you want to offer people you probably can learn in a couple of weeks, but these other kinds of analytical skills -- learning how to learn, it takes some time to develop… so I’m gonna say time is a factor. But I’m also going to speak as a neuroscientist a little bit about a concept that I call critical periods. And that is your brain is primed to learn certain kinds of things at certain different stages…you probably have heard people say if you learn to speak a language between the age of 0 to 5 you’ll probably speak it like a native, whereas as you get older the critical period has moved on and you’ll still be able to learn a language but not with the same kind of fluidity.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    I think K through 12 is important for certain developmental skills, we all know that as a basic foundation, but they’re also a group of higher-level analytical skills that are probably most important to learn in an area, I would say in age between 16 and 25, so there’s certain things that are important to learn in the K through 12 age, but when you talk about higher-level, sophisticated, analytical training, where you’re connecting disparate things some of that needs to come when you’re a little bit older and you have different kinds of basic skills. And that’s why I think so many people go to college in this time period between about 16 and 25 because that is a prime time when your brain is developing these very sophisticated analytical skills. Once again it doesn’t mean you can’t learn them outside of that range but your brain is primed in those late teenage years and early 20 years for this type of training, so we should take advantage of that and when you get that basic skill set you can kind of retrain and retrain and retrain at different periods in your life, so I think it’s a combination as you’re saying of some basic fundamental skills but I do think there’s a critical window that time period from about as I said 15 - 25 16 to 25 in which those higher- level analytical skills, your brain is primed to make those kinds of neural connections, and I think that’s an important time period too.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney

    你必须,因为作为一个神经科学家,我们发现的是未经学习是必不可少的,因为你不能把它保留在那里。There are some things you have to decide are less important less of a priority and actually on unlearn them so you you’re being a brilliant neuroscientist that what we discovered is that unlearning is every bit as important as learning and it’s that ability to go back and forth between learning and unlearning that’s critical and once again your brain is very much primed to do those kinds of things in this time period that I spoke to you about, and once you learn once you develop the patterns of being able to do it, it’s something that you will be able to retain and use your entire lifetime.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Joanne Berger-Sweeney
    Joanne Berger-Sweeney
